Court corrects error in Will to reinstate deceased’s wishes
March 9th 2021A court has corrected an error in a man’s will to reinstate his original intention as to how his estate should be divided among family members. Rebecca Armstrong reports on this recent case. The issue arose because the deceased had made a will in 1998 dividing his estate into 52 parts to be given to different named beneficiaries from his wife’s family. A codicil executed in 2005 deleted two individuals…

Vulnerable woman’s Will upheld despite daughter’s challenge
February 14th 2021The High Court has upheld a vulnerable woman’s Will and rejected a claim by her daughter that she had been subjected to undue influence. Rebecca Armstrong reports on this recent case. The case involved two sisters, Teresa Ann Coles and Heather Christine Reynolds. In 2002, their mother made a Will leaving her estate to be divided equally between them. However, the relationship between the two sisters deteriorated in 2009. In 2012,…

Siblings overturn their mother’s Will after family dispute
January 30th 2021Four siblings have succeeded in overturning their mother’s Will after the court agreed that she had not fully understood its consequences when she signed it. Rebecca Armstrong comments on this recent case. The case pitted the mother’s first four children against her youngest child, the defendant. In 2004, the mother and her husband had executed mirror Wills, which meant that if the husband died first, she would leave their estate…

Woman written out of father’s Will wins right to inherit his estate
January 28th 2021A woman has won the right to inherit her father’s estate after a “DIY Will” supposedly signed on his deathbed was ruled invalid. Rebecca Armstrong report on this recent case. Terri Tibbles had been the sole beneficiary of a Will her father William wrote a year before he died. In a letter of wishes attached to that Will, Mr Tibbles said that Terri’s twin, Kelly, and his other daughters, Susan…